Earth From Saturn, Mercury as Seen in Photos Is NASA Space PR
From Saturn, Earth looks like blue dot in distant space well beyond the huge planet's famous rings, but NASA is hoping that photo along with another shot from Mercury can boost interest in space....
View ArticleReport: Purple bacteria on Earth could survive alien light
Purple bacteria contain pigments that allow them to use sunlight as their source of energy, hence their color. Small as they are, these microbes can teach us a lot about life on Earth, because they...
View ArticleGreenland Minerals and Energy benefitting from role in EU rare earth project
Greenland Minerals and Energy (ASX: GGG) is set to receive up to €375,000 toward metallurgical studies and logistical costs through its participation in the European Unions’ EURARE Project. The company...
View ArticleMapping The World's Meteorite Strikes Reveals That Virtually Nowhere On Earth...
More meteorites have crashed into Earth than you expect, probably. This interactive infographic, from designer Sebastian Sadowski, charts 100 years of meteorites, mapping them by where they fell and...
View ArticleNeil deGrasse Tyson: Comet ISON Isn't Going To Hit Earth
Astrologers and stargazers alike are anxiously anticipating Comet ISON and the major spectacle it could provide. Comet ISON – the so-called "comet of the century"– is set to fly through the sun's...
View ArticleWelcome to (almost) the center of Earth
It's supposed to be a line that divides the Earth's north and south, but Rafael Romo tells us it's not quite accurate. Reported by 1 day ago.
View ArticleBox Office Catch-Up: 'After Earth' Survives, 'Iron Man 3' Doubles 'Iron Man 2'
This is another periodic look at the box office fortunes of somewhat older movies and/or smaller movies and how they have held up over the weeks in the domestic and international box office. As the...
View ArticleEarth Moving in a Hurry at Solar Field
Patch East Providence, RI -- Drivers of earth movers, Caterpillar trucks and bulldozers are moving dirt quickly at the site of the solar field being built on the former Riverside landfill in East...
View ArticleGoogle Earth Adds More 3D Cities
Google is constantly adding more 3D imagery of cities across the globe. Google Earth gets enriched at a rapid pace. Last week, the company added a bunch of towns from the United States, but also from...
View ArticleImage of Saturn’s Rings Shows a Distant Earth
It seems like every time you turn around NASA is offering up some incredibly beautiful images taken from various locations in our solar system. Some of my favorite images that NASA offers up are those...
View ArticleAre Earth's Deepest Caves The Last Frontier?
Engineer and daredevil caver Bill Stone pushes the frontier — through flooded tunnels, the remotest depths of the Earth and the limits of human endurance. Reported by NPR 14 hours ago.
View ArticleSan Francisco and Washington, DC Food Gurus Partner to Empower Consumers and...
SF-based Two Degrees Food and DC-based Earth Starter have created a partnership to donate meals to children in need for every Nourishmat garden purchased. San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) July 24, 2013 Two...
View ArticleEarth Starter makes growing your own food seem like ‘magic’
Earth Starter is raising a Kickstarter campaign to fix our broken food system. The company creates 'Nourishmats' that make it easy for anyone living in an urban area to grow their own vegetables and...
View ArticleStunning Photos Of The Earth From Space
Over the last week, millions of people around the globe have marveled at a photograph taken of Earth by a NASA probe in orbit around Saturn. Captured by the agency's Cassini spacecraft, the image shows...
View ArticleA Plus Warehouse Announces Rare Earth Element Permanent Lifting Magnet As the...
A Plus Warehouse has a wide array of products including the popular lifting magnets. Santa Fe, New Mexico (PRWEB) July 27, 2013 A Plus Warehouse has many interesting products for customers to choose...
View ArticleISS Astronauts Control Rover On Earth In Telerobotics Test
*redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports - Your Universe Online * A new program currently being tested by NASA would make it possible for an astronaut onboard an orbiting spacecraft to remotely operate a...
View ArticleCuriosity rover's descent to Mars – the story so far
In August 2012, Nasa succeeded in landing the Curiosity rover safely on the surface of Mars. We look back to an incredible feat, talk to the team involved and consider the ramifications of Curiosity's...
View ArticlePooping in Space and 13 Other Cosmic Tutorials
Life can be a little different in space — without the pull of gravity, liquids and matter float everywhere. At the International Space Station, where astronauts stay for months at a time, there are...
View ArticleHere are some real sizzling summer films from years past
The summer of 2013 has had more blockbusters underwhelm critics and moviegoers than usual. After a strong start (“Iron Man 3,” “Star Trek Into Darkness”), its been a long slog through such bombs as...
View Publishes 220 Thousand New Earth Science References
After its latest inclusion of 220 thousand new geographical references, the Life, Earth and Health Sciences Magazine now provides 37.2 million references including 11.6 million summaries...
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