After its latest inclusion of 220 thousand new geographical references, the Life, Earth and Health Sciences Magazine now provides 37.2 million references including 11.6 million summaries in the basic and applied biological, geographical and agricultural sciences.
Mannheim, Germany (PRWEB) July 28, 2013 has newly published 221,840 references on the basic and applied earth sciences. These references including 132,707 new abstracts are included in the site's Research Category which covers the physical characteristics of the earth including its surface features, and the distribution of life on earth. This category has now been updated to include the Life, Earth and Health Sciences Research Section 38 which features most of the bibliographic details of these new geographical resources.
The Life, Earth and Health Sciences Research Chapter 37001 contains several hundred of the newly published geographical references and particularly those on analytical modeling of geological phenomenons including analytical modeling of gravity changes and crustal deformation at volcanoes, analytical modeling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon loading and transport via road runoff in an urban region of Beijing, analytical modeling of the hydrologic response under moving rainstorms, storm-catchment interaction and resonance, analytical representation of the fault slip velocity from spontaneous dynamic earthquake models, analytical solution for drainage and recession from an unconfined aquifer, and on analysis of formation mechanism of sagging fractures in place where the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline crosses the Chulmakan River valley in southern Yakutia. Other articles in this chapter feature ancient geological processes like ancient continental margins and comparative analysis of their oil-and-gas bearing, ancient earthquakes from archaeoseismic evidence during the Visigothic and Islamic periods in the archaeological site of Tolmo de Minateda in SE Spain, and ancient eco-technology of qanats for engineering a sustainable water supply in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.
The Life, Earth and Health Sciences Website was launched in 1998 and has become a comprehensive publisher of references in biology, in the applied life sciences agriculture, horticulture and forestry, in the earth sciences, in the environmental sciences, and in the health sciences. After its latest inclusion of 221,840 new references, it currently contains a total of 37,204,415 bibliographic references from as early as the beginning of the 18th century, i.e., 1703. 11,618,112 of these entries feature a summary or abstract of their science content. Besides a new mobile portal for mobile devices, the site maintains RSS feeds and accounts at Twitter and Facebook. Reported by PRWeb 5 hours ago.
Mannheim, Germany (PRWEB) July 28, 2013 has newly published 221,840 references on the basic and applied earth sciences. These references including 132,707 new abstracts are included in the site's Research Category which covers the physical characteristics of the earth including its surface features, and the distribution of life on earth. This category has now been updated to include the Life, Earth and Health Sciences Research Section 38 which features most of the bibliographic details of these new geographical resources.
The Life, Earth and Health Sciences Research Chapter 37001 contains several hundred of the newly published geographical references and particularly those on analytical modeling of geological phenomenons including analytical modeling of gravity changes and crustal deformation at volcanoes, analytical modeling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon loading and transport via road runoff in an urban region of Beijing, analytical modeling of the hydrologic response under moving rainstorms, storm-catchment interaction and resonance, analytical representation of the fault slip velocity from spontaneous dynamic earthquake models, analytical solution for drainage and recession from an unconfined aquifer, and on analysis of formation mechanism of sagging fractures in place where the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline crosses the Chulmakan River valley in southern Yakutia. Other articles in this chapter feature ancient geological processes like ancient continental margins and comparative analysis of their oil-and-gas bearing, ancient earthquakes from archaeoseismic evidence during the Visigothic and Islamic periods in the archaeological site of Tolmo de Minateda in SE Spain, and ancient eco-technology of qanats for engineering a sustainable water supply in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.
The Life, Earth and Health Sciences Website was launched in 1998 and has become a comprehensive publisher of references in biology, in the applied life sciences agriculture, horticulture and forestry, in the earth sciences, in the environmental sciences, and in the health sciences. After its latest inclusion of 221,840 new references, it currently contains a total of 37,204,415 bibliographic references from as early as the beginning of the 18th century, i.e., 1703. 11,618,112 of these entries feature a summary or abstract of their science content. Besides a new mobile portal for mobile devices, the site maintains RSS feeds and accounts at Twitter and Facebook. Reported by PRWeb 5 hours ago.