Asteroid to Hit Earth? NASA Builds Craft to Find Out
With a big asteroid possibly heading for Earth in 2182, what are scientists to do? Build an unmanned spacecraft to give that hunk of rock a closer look, the Arizona Republic reports. NASA and the...
View ArticleMythic Darkness: Elementari Rising by Nancy Hightower
A mythic world of terror and beauty, conjured in poetic prose, is the heart of Elementari Rising, a debut epic fantasy by Nancy Hightower. Recounted in an elevated style reminiscent of Tolkien's Lord...
View ArticlePeak Resources extends capital raising for Ngualla Rare Earth Project
Peak Resources (ASX: PEK) has extended to 20 January 2014 its one for five non-renounceable entitlement issue that seeks to raise up to $3.3 million. The company is offering about 55,111,377 shares...
View ArticleOrbital’s Cygnus Delivering New Science To The International Space Station
*NASA* Delivering ants to space, sloshy fluids for robotic satellites, a study on antibiotic drug resistance and other small satellites to the International Space Station can be a tough job, and now...
View ArticleNASA Conducts First Ever Gamma-Ray Study Of A Gravitational Lens
*[ Watch The Video: Gravitational Lens System ]* *Brett Smith for - Your Universe Online* A gravitational lens is created when a galaxy or other massive object bends and amplifies light...
View ArticleEveryone's Favorite Children's Book Becomes An Art Exhibit
NEW YORK (AP) — Antoine de Saint-Exupery crafted "The Little Prince" in New York City, mentioning Rockefeller Center and Long Island in one draft of the beloved children's tale — references he...
View ArticleGreg Laurie Shares How Belief in Heaven Shapes Our Lives on Earth
On the first Sunday of this year, Pastor Greg Laurie shared with his congregation at California's Harvest Church how belief in and perception of heaven affects Christians' lives on earth. He encouraged...
View ArticleFormer Canadian Defense Minister Claims Aliens Visit Earth (Video)
Former Canadian Defense Minister Claims Aliens Visit Earth (Video) Technology Weird News World Paul Hellyer Paul Hellyer, who worked as Canada's Defense Minister from 1963 to 1968, claims that up to...
View ArticleWhy Cold Weather Doesn't Mean Global Warming Isn't Real
This past week has given climate change skeptics plenty of events that seem like reasons to dispute global warming: A ship got stuck in Antarctic ice, there was a major snowstorm, and now record-low...
View ArticleGuest Post: Adaptive Investing - What's Your Market DNA?
Submitted by W. Ben Hunt via Epsilon Theory blog, *It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change. * – Charles Darwin *We think we know that...
View ArticleAstronomers: NASA’s Kepler craft shows Earth is an anomaly among worlds
Astronomers call them super-Earths, and they are abundant outside our solar system. But the more experts learn about them, the weirder our own planet seems in comparison. Planets the size of Earth and...
View ArticleTwo Years Left in Rush Limbaugh's Countdown to Al Gore's Doomsday Deadline
We are rapidly approaching the eight-year anniversary of Rush Limbaugh’s count toward the ten-year Al Gore deadline for the earth to cook. On January 27, 2006, Rush mentioned Gore’s appearance at the...
View ArticleHere's A Spectacular Photo Of The SpaceX Rocket That Launched On Monday
Elon Musk's commercial rocket company, SpaceX, successfully launched a satellite into orbit Monday night for Thai satellite operator Thaicom. The launch involved the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. It...
View ArticleHow To Fall Asleep In Space
*Lee Rannals for - Your Universe Online* While astronauts are not immune to sleep deprivation, those aboard the International Space Station (ISS) take measures to try and find a regular...
View ArticleKepler Astronomers Find Five New Rocky Planets
*Lee Rannals for - Your Universe Online* NASA’s Kepler spacecraft team reported details about five new rocky planets on Monday at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington....
View ArticleFirst Earth-Mass Alien World Discovered
Using data collected by the NASA Kepler space telescope, a team of international astronomers was recently able to discover the first-ever, Earth-mass extrasolar planet. Experts have been looking for...
View ArticleThe Beginning of God: Explosive New Novel Describes God's Origin, Challenges...
After five years of research and more than a thousand prayers, James Brewship believes he may have the answers to two of the Earth's biggest questions: how God began, and what Heaven is really like....
View ArticleThree Quarters of All Planets Have Sizes Between Earth's and Neptune's
Experts with the NASA Kepler space telescope science team presented new data from the observatory on Monday, January 6, at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington, DC. The group...
View ArticleNew Exoplanet Has Mass Like Earth, But Much Gassier
*John P. Millis, PhD for - Your Universe Online* The holy grail of planet hunting is to find the first Earth-like world. While candidates have been found, there has yet to be confirmation...
View ArticleEarth-Size planets are of two kinds: Rocky or Gassy
Earth-Size-planets.jpg Astronomers reported this week that Earth-size planets orbiting adjacent stars come in two qualities, either rough or gassy. Also more than seventy five percent of stars likely...
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