Local Foods: From Fad To Force And What It Means For The Food Industry
Across the country, farmers markets with local purveyors plying dirt-dusted produce and artisanal cheeses are a routine and revered part of life during the spring-to-fall growing season. Their regulars...
View ArticleIntroducing the Earth's Most Abundant Mineral
Quick, name the Earth's most abundant mineral. If you got "bridgmanite," that means you're clearly up on your geologic news because the mineral just got its name this month. In fact, that's because...
View ArticleLand Degradation: A Pathway to Nourishing the Future Is Found in Africa
Life on earth hangs on a thin thread. The warming of the earth's climate is taking place in an atmospheric layer which makes up two-tenths of a percent of the radius of the planet. Land degradation,...
View ArticleThe Conflict Between Demands for Two Resources
Competition for water resources is on the rise in many regions on earth, as supplies become more variable in the wake of climate change and increased demand across diminished quality and quantity. In...
View ArticleSouth Florida Poll Confirms Big Shift in Exile Community on Cuba
Public opinion about Cuba in South Florida has shifted dramatically. Actually, that's an understatement. Let me illustrate the point this way. In March of 1991, seventy-three percent of Cuban Americans...
View ArticleEarth Has Its Warmest May on Record Globally, Spring Could Be Warmest
Two of the leading centers that track global surface temperatures have reported their data for May, and they both found it to be the warmest such month on record for the planetNASA found that May had...
View ArticleThe One World Cup Bet To Make
Have the bookmakers got this World Cup wrong? Everyone has an opinion, and you can make of mine whatever you want. But after watching Brazil's lacklustre performance against Mexico on Monday, my...
View ArticleStunning Photos Of The Earth From Space
Amazing views of our pale blue dot. Reported by Forbes.com 4 hours ago.
View ArticlePaul Rodriguez: Environmentalists 'Have Gone Too Far'
Comedian Paul Rodriguez says he isn't against fish or the environment. But the veteran comic has had enough of environmentalists who push their pet causes to the detriment of the working man and...
View ArticleMost Americans Support Obama's Climate Plan, Even If Their Bills Increase
A new poll released on Monday shows widespread public support for Barack Obama’s controversial carbon emissions reduction regulations proposed on June 2 The poll, conducted by Hart Research Associates...
View ArticleWhy Is There A Giant Robotic Giraffe On The White House Lawn?
There was an unusual item on the White House lawn Wednesday morning: a giant, 17-foot robotic giraffe. According to a press pool report, the steel contraption is named Russell, weighs 2,200 pounds,...
View ArticleSlow Motion Sssssnake Sssssstrike May Give You Nightmares
If you ever run into one of the several venomous viper snake species known as puff adders you should turn the other way. In a recent video from BBC Earth, a camera crew catches the incredible striking...
View ArticleTesting Quantum Technology Means Getting Around Gravity
There is an up-and-coming set of technologies that uses the strange properties of atomic particles predicted by the theory of quantum mechanics, which is the physics of the very small stuff. This...
View ArticleEarth's Most Abundant Mineral Now Has a Name
Earth's most abundant mineral lies deep in the planet's interior, sealed off from human eyes. Now, scientists for the first time have gotten a glimpse of the material in nature, enclosed inside a...
View ArticleAll gone: How erasing billions of birds shocked us
It was the moment that humanity learned we had the awesome power to erase an entire species off the face of the Earth in the scientific equivalent of a blink of an eye: The passenger pigeon went from...
View ArticleTeen plane stowaway recalls trip in wheel well
The California teenager who defied laws and nature by surviving a plane ride to Hawaii as a stowaway in the wheel well says he remembers seeing the ocean from 38,000 feet above Earth. Reported by...
View Article‘Cliffies’ Award to Honor Films About Climate Change and Global Warming...
After creating and popularizing the rising new genre of ”cli-fi” (novels and movies about climate change and global warming) and pushing the meme into the pages of the New York Times, Time magazine and...
View ArticleLondon Love Match? Lindsay Lohan’s New Man Tim Kilbey Gushes Over ‘Down To...
Now that she’s set up shop in London, Lindsay Lohan has made a new set of friends! She’s been spotted out with actor Tom Bilkey, launching rumors that the… READ ON Reported by Radar Online 3 hours ago.
View ArticleJay Leno's Tonight Show and the Madness Behind the Curtain
The rich, the famous, and the powerful, those on the way up and those on the way down, met at a crossroads known as The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. What the public witnessed each night was a carefully...
View ArticleUMD Hosts Lightning Safety Awareness Workshop for Reporters
Members of the media are invited to join the University of Maryland and partners on June 24 for an exclusive reporter workshop in conjunction with Lightning Safety Awareness Week (June 22-27). The...
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