‘Satan Himself Lives In San Pedro,’ Honduras: Scary Pictures Of The Most...
"Satan himself lives here in San Pedro," a mortician from the second largest city in Honduras told The Guardian. "People here kill people like they're nothing more than chickens." With a murder rate of...
View ArticleA Remote-Controlled Car That Fears No Terrain
This drone can handle any terrain: It flies, drive on ground and even glides on water The radio-controlled gadget, which weighs less than one pound, was unveiled during the Tokyo Toy Show, which took...
View ArticleEarth's oldest rocks hold essential ingredient for life
A critical building block for creating the first life on Earth was found in 3.8-billion-year-old rocks from Isua, Greenland, researchers reported at the annual Goldschmidt geochemistry conference....
View ArticleGearheads, gawkers drawn to 'Vette museum sinkhole
(AP) — For years, just enough hardcore classic car lovers and curious travelers wandered through the National Corvette Museum in Kentucky to keep the doors open. When the earth opened up in February,...
View ArticleHutchinson to celebrate its Superman origins claim
A Kansas city that claims to be the inspiration for Superman's hometown on Earth plans to celebrate the supposed link with a festival later this week. Reported by Miami Herald 6 hours ago.
View Article36-year-old NASA probe may not return to duties yet
A group looking to reboot the International Sun-Earth Explorer 3 probe has been delayed by NASA's approval process. Reported by Christian Science Monitor 5 hours ago.
View ArticlePilot for skydivers takes first leap after accident
As last skydiver on Shawn Kinmartin's Cessna exited the plane, he damaged its controls and sent it hurtling towards the Earth Reported by CBS News 6 hours ago.
View ArticleOldest Rocks On Earth Found To Contain Key Building Block Of Life
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A critical building block for creating the first life on Earth was found in 3.8-billion-year-old rocks from Isua, Greenland, researchers reported this week here at the annual...
View ArticleWords & Weddings: 5 Passages for Book Lovers
"Reader, I married him." --Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre June is one of the most popular months for marriage, and there is nothing we love better than a wedding between two bookworms. (Okay, correcting...
View ArticleIsrael Spares No Expense to Rescue Kidnapped Nationals
Day Four--and the three kidnapped Israeli boys are still missing. Everything is happening all at once: The IDF has launched a massive manhunt on the West Bank. They have also asked journalists to use...
View ArticleVast 'oceans' could be trapped in rock beneath Earth's surface
Forget Atlantis -- scientists say they may have discovered the store a whole new ocean of sorts on Earth. Reported by Forbes.com 3 hours ago.
View ArticleEarly Addition: These Are The Most Polite Soccer Fans On Earth
Jay Leno's interview secrets, college accepts tuition by BitCoin, Greenpeace's big loss, Watergate garage torn down and more midday links. Don't forget to follow Gothamist on Twitter and like us on...
View ArticleWhat satellite firm Skybox will do for Google, humans
We're getting an inkling of what Google plans to do with its $500 million purchase of Skybox Imaging: By 2016, Google expects to take high-resolution images of the entire globe two times a day using...
View ArticleDot Earth Blog: Exploring Academia’s Role in Charting Paths to a ‘Good’...
Enterprising journalists and communicators report on humanity’s growth spurt, urban rush and innovations in family planning. Reported by NYTimes.com 3 hours ago.
View ArticleNASA Sniffs Out An Aromatic Molecule In Titan's Atmosphere
You may wonder what an alien world looks like, what its atmosphere might hold, whether its terrain is similar to Earth’s or even if it holds extra-terrestrial life, but have you ever wondered what it...
View ArticleSkybox Can Predict iPhone Launch Using Satellite Imagery
The Wall Street Journal profiles one of Google's recent acquisitions which has implications on mapping, competitive intelligence and even privacy. Skybox Imaging is an intelligence company that by the...
View ArticleAncient Subsurface Ocean Could Have Flowed on Pluto's Moon Charon
Pluto’s moon Charon may have once had subterranean oceans of liquid water, something the U.S. space agency NASA hopes to investigate further when its New Horizons spacecraft swings by just over a year...
View ArticleFox News Is the Gold Standard of Television Journalism
I've been watching a lot of Fox News lately. Fox News is sort of like a news channel, but the total opposite of that. I like Fox News for lots of reasons: the women pundits are attractive, the on-air...
View ArticleForget Gun Control: Legislate for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Instead
The NRA has one on gun control advocates: Guns aren't a cause of violence. When used for non-sporting purposes, they're a symptom of emotional disorders. Of fear amplified to irrational levels. Of...
View ArticleThe Earth’s Hidden Ocean
An ocean of water appears to be tied up in minerals of the mantle 400 miles below the surface, according to an analysis of seismic waves passing through the deep earth. Reported by NYTimes.com 1 hour...
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