Cindy Jacobs Gay Marriage
Self-proclaimed "prophet" Cindy Jacobs recently warned that God's judgment was coming to America because of gay marriage.
According to RightWingWatch.org, Jacobs stated: “The Lord said to me, recently in the United States we’ve had these Supreme Court decisions that are against biblical marriage, and the Lord said to me, ‘Duck your head, duck your head.’ I said, ‘Oh God, duck my head?’”
However, the U.S. Supreme Court did not decide "against" Biblical marriage, which is still the same, but ruled to allow gay marriage in California and struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
"So what He said was, 'I'm gonna mark my people. I'm gonna put a mark upon my people to bless them. They're going to be in a season of, as long you're tithing, obeying the Lord, but there’s a whole lot of shaking getting ready to happen, whole lot of shaking'” claimed Jacobs (video below).
"I've been terribly criticized by people who said, 'Cindy, you're just a prophet of doom and gloom,' and I prophesied that there was going to be a lot of disasters that were going to come, and people said, 'You're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong,' before [Hurricane] Sandy."
“I mean I don’t want them to come, it’s not like I’m saying, ‘Oh great they’re coming,’ but the point is a prophet has to say what is to come, it’s like you’re reporting. And so I went back on and made another recording, saying, 'We have displeased the Lord and the earth is going to answer,'" said Jacobs.
Source: RightWingWatch.org
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