Imagine plopping Adam and Eve in the year 2014, with electricity the Internet and social media.
Except Adam and Eve are still the only two people on Earth, so when Adam scrolls through his Instagram feed, obviously he's going to hit on Eve like no one's watching (because no one is).
See also: Artist's Tranquil GIFs Will Calm and Mesmerize You
Image: James Kerr
That's the basis of Tumblr artist James Kerr's clever and irreverent GIF collection, which awkwardly places Northern-Renaissance art subjects into contemporary situations.
Kerr — known best by his Tumblr name Scorpion Dagger — told Mashable that he picked that name because he knew how much all of his friends hated it. So when he started the blog, it made perfect sense to keep the joke going — just to get under their skin Read more...
More about Tumblr, Humor, Instagram, Gifs, and Watercooler Reported by Mashable 10 hours ago.
Except Adam and Eve are still the only two people on Earth, so when Adam scrolls through his Instagram feed, obviously he's going to hit on Eve like no one's watching (because no one is).
See also: Artist's Tranquil GIFs Will Calm and Mesmerize You
Image: James Kerr
That's the basis of Tumblr artist James Kerr's clever and irreverent GIF collection, which awkwardly places Northern-Renaissance art subjects into contemporary situations.
Kerr — known best by his Tumblr name Scorpion Dagger — told Mashable that he picked that name because he knew how much all of his friends hated it. So when he started the blog, it made perfect sense to keep the joke going — just to get under their skin Read more...
More about Tumblr, Humor, Instagram, Gifs, and Watercooler Reported by Mashable 10 hours ago.