No really, it is. As a few bold heretics - such as Australian geologist Ian Plimer in his book Heaven And Earth - have long been trying to tell anyone prepared to listen, the human species is designed for warmth not cold. Ice ages are something we should naturally fear; warming periods are something which for which we should yearn. All the historical evidence confirms this - that periods of warming (such as the Minoan, Roman and Medieval Warming Periods) have spurred cultural efflorescence and economic growth, while cooling periods have tended towards pestilence, famine, misery and stagnation. When you think about it, it's pretty obvious: in warmer times it's easier to grow crops, which means that a) fewer people starve and b) instead of struggling to survive, people have time to get on with developing art, literature, trade, civilisation generally...
Now for the bad news. During the last 50 or so years, we have lived through perhaps the most beneficent warming periods the world has known. Now the good times are over. And just round the corner - climatically speaking at any rate - are some very bad times indeed.
How do we know this? Because as author David Archibald argues in perhaps the most depressing but enlightening book you'll read this year - Twilight Of Abundance (Regnery) - we have the evidence of Solar Cycles.
Forget all those useless climate projections in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's discredited computer models: the catastrophic warming they predicted has failed to materialise because their basic assumptions are wrong. They have given far too much weight to the (marginal) influence of CO2 on climate change, and not nearly enough to the real kicker - the cyclical activity of the sun.
Archibald - an Australian scientist, oil explorer, polymath and visiting fellow at the Institute of World Politics in Washington, DC - explains this in more detail in the first of several articles he will be writing for Breitbart London on the horrors that await us in the prolonged forthcoming cooling period which may well last into the next century.
Foremost among these will be the result that, in our colder future, it will be much harder to grow stuff. No longer will it be possible to grow wheat in such northerly latitudes; the Corn Belt - according to one 1980 study - will shift 90 miles south for every one degree C drop in global mean temperature. In the rich West we'll muddle through, of course, but in the developing world there will be mass starvation.
Can you see the irony here? One of the main tenets of the "sustainability" doctrine which obsesses the United Nations, the Obama administration, the European Union, clergymen, left-liberal politicians, environmental campaigners and aid bodies such as Oxfam and CAFOD is the notion that the biggest victims of "climate change" are the world's poor in the developing world. Yet all of these bodies remain trapped in the very belief system - the man-made global warming meme - which prevents urgent and necessary action being taken to deal with the much more scientifically plausible threat of global cooling. Reported by Breitbart 9 hours ago.